sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2008

Halloween and (still) the midterms

In what concerns the midterms, I would say: one down, two to go :-) 
Next one is on Tuesday. But today, I'm not really concerned about that. Today is halloween, and these guys take it really seriously. Speaking of which:

When going to classes today, I stopped over at the Geisel library (I had some printing to do). I've noticed a couple of library clerks really dressed up. I found it funny, because I was not expecting to see people, especially in the library, dressed up for halloween since morning. Anyhow, I didn't pay too much attention to it. After the printing, I headed towards the classroom. As I was chatting with a few colleagues, the professor bursts into the classroom all dressed up as a NASA astronaut, with the most natural posture... It was a really amusing moment!

As for the midterm I had, past Monday, it went alright (I hope).  Thank you all for asking. The subject was Statistical Learning. The course in itself deals with reasonably comprehensive stuff (like pattern classification, decision boundaries on classes, ...), but there is a lot of mathematical theory underneath. The homework assignments, as well as the midterm and final, are usually closely related to these mathematical proofs and geometric interpretations. This makes the exercises, fairly complicated...  I'll keep you posted on how things progress.

That's it for now. Need to find something to dress up for halloween!

2 comentários:

Luís disse...

Afinal mascaraste-te de quê?
Foste de cowboy ou de adepto do FCP?

Abraço e continuação de Boa Sorte,


P.S.-Não te esqueças de ler o livro sagrado (Corão).

Unknown disse...

Força ai camarada!

O tipo de matéria do teu exame deixou-me um pouco espantado com o nível de exigência do teu primeiro exame. Mas enfim... nada que não estejas já habituado...

Devo no entanto avisar-te que estou muito preocupado. O meu filho de 6 meses anda muito confuso... mais uma ou duas jornadas e ele está a pedir-me desesperadamente para se inscrever na Naval ou no Leixões...

Gostava de ver um post sobre este assunto...