terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011

I'm back!

Hello everyone! ... it's been a while, hum? I'm so sorry for the absence of posts in the past few months. Everything is fine, I've just been incredibly busy!
Since last September I have: published my first conference paper (you can find it here in case you're interested!), submitted the second one (first author on this one), my first journal paper is on my adviser's desk for review; and last, but certainly not least, I have passed my first phd exam (the departmental exam).
As you may imagine, I'm happy with how things are working out for me, but there is still so much to be done. I'm not even halfway through! Anyhow, I'll try to post more regularly from now on. Even if the posts get less and less interesting :)

For celebration, last weekend I went to Big Bear Mountain & Snow Summit ski resort. My snowboarding was a bit rusty, but it was really fun.

Happy 2011!