terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2010

Why I love Trader Joe's

Recently a friend told me about a new gin he had tried. Gin Hendrick's was the name. I've tried it when I was still in Portugal, and I simply loved it! So I set off to buy a bottle around here...

(alcohol on top of knowledge)

Being an unusual gin, I assumed it would only be available at the best stores. The ones that have the fancier items, like Bristol Farms. Here's what I found:
Bristol Farms $36.99
Ralphs $ 34.99
(good old) Trader Joe's $24.99
Simply amazing!

By the way, a nice touch for a gin tonic (with this gin) is to replace the lemon with two slices of cucumber. YES, cucumber! Give it a try. You won't regret it!

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...


Pepino no Gin, Zé!?

Para o que te havia de dar... não raras vezes vi associado o consumo de gin a "marmelos" (ou a "melões")...mas a pepino!?

M. Lencastre

(vim agora do blog do Pimentão e aquilo está ao rubro - post dos 6 anos)

Rui disse...

I´ve also discovered this Gin when I moved to Germany, and I must say I´m a fan.

Check on the site the usual and unsual Hendricks combinations...