terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2012

Step 2: University Qualifying Exam (UQE)

Upcoming Wednesday (Nov-21), I'll be taking the University Qualifying Exam. Officially, this is step 2 out of 3 for the phd, although I try not to think of it as such, and rather focus on the things I need to do before graduate. 
At this stage I will be presenting my research to a committee of 5 faculty, namely what I plan to do to earn my phd (i.e. this is why the exam is sometimes referred to as "thesis proposal"). Upon success on this exam, I will earn a diploma and a title: phd candidate.

Email sent by the department services to my committee (and me) reminding them of the exam date and place.

1 comentário:

Sobreiro disse...

Amigo Zé Maria.
Espero que tenha corrido bem.
Grande abraço-
